It's all in the mind...
For something to be achieved it has to be thought of first. Or dreamed of first if you like! It is therefor not bad at all that you think you can become good at playing the piano.Admittedly when you start playing the piano it is good to have an idea of how you see yourselves playing in a couple of years. Very often young students will have the idea 'Oh, no, but no classical music!'. I can understand that, because if the idea is only coming from the wishes of perhaps the parents then it will not always lead to good results. It can also work the other way around. My parents were somewhat shocked when I moved to classical music. That was soo not the thing to do. So my response will be to say that there is so much music that I surely am in a position to find the right music for my students and they have always choices.

Then there are two other types of students. Those who think "oh, I could never do that" or those who are so fixated on the type of music they want to play that they are not open for all the good music which is out there.
There is only good and bad music.
I have just joined your site as a follower and am amazed at the information you have made available and thought provoking blogs you've posted. (the article 'It's all in the mind...' being just one example) I only hope many will take the time to read and benefit from the material. The help and support you are giving to not only students but also lovers of music and piano is to be commended.